
Showing posts from December, 2017

Engineering Badass

Back in 2000 Pam was selected to attend Air Command and Staff College (ACSC), one of the US Air Force’s officer training schools. ACSC is nearly mandatory if you want to advance past the rank of Major. I don’t know the selection rate for the school, but it was impressive to get in. We moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where the school’s run at Maxwell Air Force Base. Our daughter was five weeks old at the time of the move, so the nine or ten months at school were pretty tough on Pam: wake up, feed herself, feed Lydia, off to school, come home for lunch to feed Lydia, back to school, home, feed Lydia, do homework, collapse in bed. In between all that Pam did some amazing things during her time at ACSC. One of the most impressive was a paper she wrote on Poland’s efforts to modernize their military. Why the topic? Erm, her last name was WOLOSZ, folks. Polish genealogy nut. There you have it. She spent months working on this paper, and that work paid off: She got top honors for it, inc...